ndustry-Leading Features: |
Product Information: |
Industry-Leading SOUND Features:
- Operates in DC & DCC(use DCMaster for DC Sound)
- Record & Play Operation– Records and plays back sounds and movements once or repeatedly for automatic operation
- 16-bit Sample Ratefor exceptional high frequency sound clarity
- Playback Whistlefor multiple whistle lengths and patterns
- Choice of3 selectable Whistles
- Alternate Whistle / Hornwhere applicable for locomotive with air horn and steam whistle – both the main whistle and alternate can be easily played
- Adjustable bell ringing intervalfor faster or slower bell
- Numerous user-mappablefunctions with available keys
- Johnson Bar or Power Reverse Soundat Direction Change
- Passenger Station Ambient Sounds– Controlled with Function Key
- Freight Yard related radio chatter– Controlled with Function Key
- Lumber Yard Ambient Sounds– Controlled with Function Key
- Farm related radio chatter– Controlled with Function Key
- Crew Radio Communications– Controlled with Function Key
- Maintenance Yard related radio chatter– Controlled with Function Key
- Demo Modefor display and demonstrations
- Grade Crossing Signal– Controlled with Function Key
- Simple Programmingwith Integral DCC Decoder
- Automatic Forward / Reverse Signal– When activated, stopping triggers and stop whistle toot. When moving forward from a stopped position, toots twice. When moving in reverse, toots three times.
- Chuff sound intensity varies with load
- Individually adjustable sound volumesfor most effects
**Specifications on this page subject to change.