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Blair Line 1501 Laser-Cut Wood Billboards – Small for Z, N & HO — Western Auto – 2-1/2″ Wide x 2″ Tall 6.4 x 5.1cm, A Scale

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $7.99.

SKU: WD66941096326 Category:


Great looking laser-cut wood “Cutout” Billboard Signs are perfect forrooftop or roadside and fit popular modeling eras. Each sign is designed tobe assembled quickly and easily in layers, which simplifies painting andproduces a highly realistic 3-D appearance. This series of smaller signs iscut from specially imported ultra-thin plywood for a finer and more prototypicalappearance.

This big Western Auto sign has been a classic landmark in the Union Stationarea of Kansas City, Missouri, for many years and is still standing.Great sign for nearly any era.

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