Code 80 No. 4 Remote Turnout (Switch) – Standard Line — Right Hand
This Atlas N Scale Standard Line Code 80 No. 4 Remote Turnout featuresnickel-silver rail, molded black ties with wood grain detail and anattached remote-controlled switch machine. The turnout can be thrownmanually using the small sliding lever on the turnout motor or electricallyusing the included Switch Control Box (150-56) which you can mount on acontrol panel. The turnout also includes screws for the control boxelectrical connections and track joiners. This Standard Line Code 80 No. 4Remote Turnout includes a 19″ radius curved track compensation sectionwhich can be used to make a reverse curve off the diverging route to makeadding a parallel siding easy. For track planning purposes Atlas StandardLine turnouts have a different geometry and are not direct replacements forAtlas Custom Line turnouts. This Standard Line Code 80 No. 4 Remote Turnoutis compatible with all Code 80 conventional track and is part of the Atlas NScale Code 80 and Code 55 track line.