This is a Pre-Owned Set
Disclaimer: Used sets may be missing parts, be partial sets, or have color swapped pieces. Please ask if you have any concerns about a set before purchasing. They are sold AS-IS and cant be returned or exchanged once they leave the premises.
- Experience The End, a new biome in the LEGO Minecraft micro-world. Includes the Ender Dragon and 4 Enderman Micromob
- Recreate a Minecraft world as a micro-scale LEGO model. Split the model into 4 sections for a new play experience
- Destroy the Ender Crystals! Slay the fearsome Ender Dragon!
- Combine this biome with others in the same series to build your own LEGO Minecraft world
- Measures 3″ (10cm) high, 3″ (10cm) wide and 3″ (10cm) deep