The best sports boomerang in the world! The Outdoor Booma is made of a special co-polymer composite which means it’s virtually unbreakable! Not only that this material allows you to ‘tune’ the wings for different flight paths so whether you prefer high hovering flights or fast low flights you’ll get the best of both! When thrown as instructed the Outdoor Booma will fly 15-20 metres and return to the spot – ! Safety Warning Throw only in a very large, clear space free of people, vehicles, animals, trees, overhead cables, buildings etc. Manufacturer’s Description Without a doubt – the Worlds Best Outdoor sports boomerang. Sanctioned by the Australian Boomerang World Cup Team – the Outdoor Magic features the famous patented tri-blade design that creates the most stable, easy to throw and catch boomerang in the world. This aerodynamic marvel seems to defy gravity as it returns with incredible pin-point accuracy to the thrower – guaranteed! Designed in Australia and made in the UK – the Outdoor Magic can be easily ‘tuned’ to adjust the flight characteristics. You wont believe your eyes! These are so good that even though they are made in the UK – they are exported back to OZ!