(What’s The Story) Morning Glory CD Creation, CRE CD 189, 1995, 12 Track Oasis were already dubbed the New before the release ofWhat’s The Story–within a month of it going multi-platinum,The Times claimed they were more important than the Fabs; and Liam Gallagher was inviting George Harrison to fight him on Primrose Hill. But then, you’d feel cocky enough to pick on a Beatle if you’d just recorded these songs. Obviously the singles–“Wonderwall”, “Don’t Look Back In Anger”, “Some Might Say”–rock; but it’s a shocker rediscovering just how ace the album tracks are. The minor-chord that the chorus of “Hey Now!” pivots on could liquefy a brick; “Champagne Supernova” is the sound of a band riding the nose-cone of a rock & roll Concorde, and as for “She’s Electric”–ah, well. Every New Beatles must have their “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer”.–Caitlin Moran