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Lionel O Scale 3-Rail FasTrack Track with Roadbed makes setting up the layout of
your dreams easy! This track features built-in roadbed for easy setup on any
surface. The durable plastic roadbed comes with all three rails attached and all
rail joiners in place. It’s molded in a realistic gray color to simulate real
track ballast and has pre-drilled screw holes for mountain on a layout board.
FasTrack is compatible with all O Gauge 3-rail trains, but make sure to note how
sharp your curves are since many larger O Gauge trains need wider O-31 and
larger curves. FasTrack can be connected to traditional tubular track using a
FasTrack adaptor section. Check out the line of Lionel FasTrack 3-Rail O
Scale track and accessories.
This track pack allows you to add an inner loop to your train set’s original
oval. It includes one each left and right manual turnouts and two O-36 curves.