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Make your WalthersMainline locos even more realistic in minutes with this Diesel
Detail Kit! The complete set of HO grab irons fits the standard locations on the
model, and they’re made of durable, factory-formed stainless steel wire. The set
details one model and includes illustrated instructions.
Parts in this 24-piece set include:
- 2 Long straight grab irons for rear hood
- 13 Drop-type grabs for long and short hoods
- 1 L-shaped grab for top of long hood
- 2 cab brow grabs, one each left and right
- 3 Drop-type grabs for inverter
- 1 Straight grab for hood mount above inverter
- 2 Straight grabs for outside edges of front hood
Walthers has the tools you need for a fast and easy installation too: