Now you can add one of the most versatile machines ever built to your maintenance-of-way fleet with the WalthersProto Jordan Spreader kit! Used to profile and grade drainage ditches during warmer weather, when the flakes start flying, Jordans can be found plowing snow and pushing it back from the tracks. These HO replicas are based on the model 2-200 Spreader-Ditcher-Snowplow used by dozens of railroads, which have been in service year ’round since the 1920s. Featuring all-new tooling, the models are perfect companions to WalthersProto Russell Snowplows (sold separately) and feature:
- Formed wire grab irons
- Complete underbody with brake gear and piping
- Thin profile stirrups
- Cab window “glass”
- Railroad-specific details:
- Horizontal or vertical air reservoir
- Original or one of 3 later headlight styles as appropriate
- 70-ton roller bearing or Bettendorf trucks as appropriate
- Single-chime air horn placement
- Positionable wings and moldboards can be raised and lowered
- Durable metal hinges and other details
- Ultra-smooth rolling metal axles and 33″ wheelsets
- Proto MAX metal knuckle couplers