This HO Scale Stealth Series EMD GP35 from Broadway Limited is based on theubiquitous EMD GP35 4-axle diesel-electric locomotive built by EMD andsubsequently General Motors Diesel in the mid 1960s. Over 1300 of theselocomotives were produced, and they were operated by virtually every majorrailroad in the United States. Addtionally 26 units were built for Canadianrailroads and another 57 units were built for Mexican railroads. Thesefreight locomotives were powered by EMD 567D3A 16-cylinder engines thatgenerated 2500 horsepower.
This Stealth Series no-sound/DCC-ready model operates on DC out of the box,or a modeler can easily install their DCC decoder of choice. Out of thebox, front and rear lights are directional, and other lights are always ONwith track power. Additionally some lighting functions may be missingdepending on selected aftermarket decoder the modeler installs. This modelincludes a 21-pin decoder socket so you can add your favorite DCC or sounddecoder when you’re ready. It also features a built-in speaker so you won’thave to add one later. Other features include a heavy die cast chassis andselect roadname-specific details. Its wheels profiled to operate on Code 70and larger rail and curves of 18″ radius but larger curves are recommended.The EMD GP35 is one of manyBroadway Limited HO Scale Paragon4 locomotives.