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Atlas HO 10004242 EMD GP40-2 Master Gold, CSX #6235 (DCC and Sound)

Original price was: $304.99.Current price is: $91.50.

SKU: WD66941104415 Category:


This detailed Atlas HO Scale Master Gold EMD GP40-2 is modeled afterdiesels built by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors between 1976and 1979 and operated by Class I and short line railroads. The GP40-2 wasEMD’s follow-up to the very successful GP40 locomotive model. While manyinternal upgrades were introduced (such as the use of improved, modularDash 2 electrical components), there were some external differences betweenthe early production GP40-2 and late-production GP40. This included anengine water-level sight glass on the right side of the body (a featurecommon to all EMD Dash 2 models), a larger electrical cabinet air filterbox, a lengthened battery compartment on the left side, and a slightlymodified cab. All GP40-2s featured a 16-cylinder EMD 645-series dieselengine which was rated at 3,000 horsepower. Early to mid-production phase 2GP40-2s were built from mid-1976 through late-1979. Several major spottingfeatures of Phase 2 units include: an 88″ low nose, corrugated radiatorgrilles and notched step wells. EMD GP40-2s are still in service from coastto coast in the 2020s. Whether operated by their original owners orsecondary owners, they’re still popular for hauling road freights and forlocal switching. This Atlas model features details unique to each roadnameand working front and/or rear ditch lights if appropriate. Other featuresinclude a five-pole, skew-wound motor with dual flywheels, directional LEDlighting, Accumate(R) magnetic knuckle couplers, accurate decoration androadname-appropriate body details. This replica comes equipped with adual-mode ESU LokSound sound and DCC decoder for operation on DCC and DClayouts (with limited sound capabilities on in DC operation). The EMDGP40-2 is one of many Atlas HOScale locomotives.

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